Semifinal Preview

1 year ago

Rio Hondo Prep is in the Semifinals for the first time since 2013 and in the highest division ever during the school's history. It will be a tough road trip into Moreno Valley as the Kares take on the Vista Del Lago Ravens with a chance to advance to the Division 9 Finals on Thanksgiving weekend. Our special guest is legendary RHP coach Mr. Ken Drain who led Rio to all four of its 11 Man championships as well as the final 8 Man title in 2001 which I had the privilege to be a part of. We chat about the evolution of Rio Hondo Prep Football and what has made it so consistent over the years. There isn't a former player out there who can say that Mr. Drain did not make them a better man, and he is the perfect person to have on this week as Rio continues its drive toward a 15th CIF Championship.

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