US Army is Illuminati Controlled/Operated

1 year ago

United States Army

Templar Knights 1/1/1119-United States Army-6/14/1775.
Separation of 656 years. Found in 6th month. 666. 777 in months.

Jesuits 8/15/1534- United States Army-6/14/1775.
Separation of 66 ending in weeks. Army 6th month. 666 in minutes.

First Masonic Lodge 7/31/1599-United States Army-6/14/1775.
Separation of 66 contained in hours. Army started 6th month. 666. 64236 days. Freemasonry 624. Army started 6th month. 666.
999 contained in both minutes/seconds.
In Grand Satanic Rituals a bell is rung 9 times. 999 over 666.
175 years. Army 1775.

Freemasonry 6/24/1717-United States Army-6/14/1775.
Separation of 5176 contained in hours.
Illuminati 5/1/76. 11 months 21 days between. Fellowcraft= 121

First Masonic Grand Lodge in America 7/30/1733-
United States Army-6/14/1775.
Separation of 233 in minutes. United States Army 214 to #’s
3 words, 16 characters. (214+3+16= 233).
66 contained in hours. Army 6th month. 666.
214 in seconds. United States Army= 214.

United States Army found 14th date.
(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14= 105).
Illuminati found 1st day of 5th month. Illuminati= 10 letters

United States Army 6/14/1775-Illuminati 5/1/1776. 322 days.
Skull and Bones= 322. 66 in minutes. Army 6th month. 666

United States Army 6/14/1775-America 7/4/1776.
Separation of 1 year 20 days between.
Illuminati= 120. 333 in seconds. 3 stages of Freemasonry 33 degrees.
624 contained in hours. Freemasonry 624.

United States Army 6/14/1775-Druids 11/28/1781.
Separation of 6 years 66 contained in minutes. 666
666 in hours. 6 years 14 days between. Army found 614.

United States Army 6/14/1775-Bohemian Grove 4/13/1872.
Separation of 66 ending in days. Army 6th month. 666. 96 years 9 months 29 days between. 999 over 666.

United States Army 6/14/1775-Bilderberg Group 5/29/1954.
Separation of 47 contained in months and seconds.
Freemason Compass 47 degrees. 66 contained in hours, seconds, and days.
Army found in 6th month. That makes out to be 666,666,666.

121 and 122 contained in minutes separation.
Fellowcraft= 121. Illuminati found 122nd day.

United States Army 6/14/1775-Trilateral Commission formation 7/23/1972. Separation of 777 contained in hours.

United States Army 6/14/1775-Trilateral Commission first meeting 10/21/1973. Separation of 777 contained in hours.

United States Army 6/14/1775 to the exponent of 000111222333444555666777888999=
37,721,400,150,625. Illuminati date confirmed.

United States Army 6/14/1775 to the exponent of 369,396,639,693,936,963= 37,721,400,150,625.
Illuminati date confirmed.

United States Army 6/14/1775/369,396,639,693,936,963= 0.00000000001662650479

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