The Hanged Man Energy Vlog

8 months ago

The Hanged Man Energy Vlog title stems from the date November 12, 23023, thus we have # 12 the Hanged Man a calling for a halt to action; a change of perspective and a sacrifice voluntary or not.

The Schumann Resonance Tdoday Disclosure site showed us three amplitudes. We start with a power of 26 , thus we have The Strength card asking us to be brave and strong as we tame our inner beast. Next wee have a amplitude power of 32, thus we have the Hierophant a spiritual Messenger; the dogma master or a baqd pope. We end with an amplitude power of 41 also 5 the Hierophant card we can also look at these number and say we have a female pope the 32 and a Male pope the 41 which has 4 the emperor and one the magius both male caracter just as the 32 is the empress and the High priestess both female. The quality power was 26.0 thus we have #8 the Strength card with a need to be strong and brave again. The frequency average is 7.69 hertz, thus we have # 22 the Fool card thus we take a leap of faith and need to be aware of our next step. Therefore, we can say about it all: The Hanged man halted to change the perspective of the Hierophant by being strong and brave, though he appears the Fool in his self sacrifice.

The Starseed oracle card for this Sunday are I remember, my soul plan; the fated path or the destiny path. The second card is the Whale and Orca Elders, share your song; frequency of your soul; and dive deep.
Schumann Resonance today Disclosure site:
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