Ex-KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Explains How Jews Control Everything (Interview w/ Cenk Uygur) - 2015

1 year ago

Published on Dec 17, 2015
by TYT Interviews

"David Duke first rose to prominence in the ‘70s and ‘80s as a modern, more photogenic representative of the white supremacist movement, abandoning the Ku Klux Klan's robe and hood in favor of business suits and trading overt racist appeals in exchange for more “acceptable” coded language that involved disparaging “welfare queens” and “racial set-asides.”

Duke eventually left the Klan to found the “National Association for the Advancement of White People,” served one term as a Republican in the Louisiana state house, published two books, one on “Racial Understanding” and the other on “Jewish Supremacism,” ran for governor, senator and president, served a 15-month prison sentence for mail fraud and tax evasion, and today is a well-traveled international spokesman bringing attention to what he views as the Zionist conspiracy to run the world.

In this at times combative interview, an increasingly exasperated Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks listens as Duke goes on at great length attempting to substantiate his claims of a purported Jewish control of the media, the entertainment and banking industries and the US government - all while denying the label of anti-semite.

During the few breaks in his harangue, Duke briefly answers questions about:

- Whether he has any sympathy for African-Americans who, like him, claim to be victims of discrimination in the criminal justice system.
- Whether black people are more criminally inclined than white people or are simply targeted for arrest more frequently than whites.
- If MSNBC is run by a secret Irish-American cabal
- If he feels vindicated by the GOP’s adoption of policies he first pioneered, including the drug-testing of welfare recipients
- Whether all his railing against Zionism isn’t simply jealousy at the successes Jews have achieved while his and other white people’s fortunes have continued to dwindle.

Be sure to stay tuned all the way to the end!

Follow Cenk on Twitter: @CenkUygur

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