Responses To Crocodile Tears and Permanent Victim Status

7 months ago

Responses To Crocodile Tears and Permanent Victim Status

Oct. 3, 2022

Professor Norman Finkelstein

This never gets old. Relevant as ever!

He will never be silent on what Israel has done and continue to do to the Palestinian people.

Excerpt from American Radical - The Trials of Norman Finkelstein [2009].

Professor Norman Finkelstein at Waterloo University takes exception to a German student lecturing him on how to talk about the Nazis and the Holocaust.

He later explains that she was "putting on a show beating your breasts saying how unhappy you are. No. If you have those sentiments, and you really are sad, it's something private." Although he believes her tears are real, the public display is "theatrical."

Norman Gary Finkelstein is an American political scientist of the Jewish faith, and activist. His primary fields of research are the Israeli occupation and control of Palestine and the politics of the Holocaust. He is a graduate of Binghamton University and received his Ph.D. in political science at Princeton University.


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