Revelation 17 Market Crash?

9 months ago

It seems like the wealthy are bidding up the DOW just to leave the crash to the little guys. That sounds like Revelation 17 where the Beast and the Ten Horns destroy the Great Whore.
Then he said to me, “The waters that you saw, where the whore is sitting, are peoples, crowds, nations and languages. As for the ten horns that you saw and the beast, they will hate the whore, bring her to ruin, leave her naked, eat her flesh and consume her with fire. For God put it in their hearts to do what will fulfill his purpose, that is, to be of one mind and give their kingdom to the beast until God’s words have accomplished their intent. And the woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.” Rev 17:15-18
Let's analyze it.

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