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15 seconds

The Alex Jones Shows, LIVE !

Streamed on:

God Damn rumble goes for less than a month, your shit stops and you have to re-create the god damn stream. God dammit rumble get your shit together.


  • 0/2000
  • his son is the one who turned him in. Shaun Atwood co weed this years ago.

  • seller of magic potions. hack!

    1 like
  • Why wont Alex interview all jewish members/employees of the CDC?

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  • Just so you know. I just tried to go on Truth Trench protect the children and all I keep getting is problems with server. No matter what I do I can’t get to the site. You may want to check it.

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  • 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣unbelievable people believe a dumb cunt like this who spreads fear and paranoia. No facts, just fearmongering bs. Totally fucking repulsive to see her trying to spread fear over children when the right wing cult of mongs didn’t give one fuck about it for all the decades and decades of it happening. You didn’t see this bitch crying about the children when Trump was president. Trump administration did profoundly distributing things to tens of thousands of children - and it’s all documented on film. Where was this cunt then? She doesn’t care one fucking bit. Truly sick fucks using kids as fodder for their fear mongering & paranoia. She deserves to be deported over to some SA country.

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