Mother Makes Shocking Statement About Hitler With Kids In Tow

8 months ago

This mother cannot imagine anything as vile as praising Adolf Hitler for his attempted extermination of Jewish people, not to mention other 'undesirables', but that's precisely what this woman has done while walking down a public sidewalk with her children. Miami, FL - "Hitler should have f*cking finished the job, he knew what the f*ck he was doing." This woman is a MOTHER. Walking WITH her children in tow.

If the ongoing war in Israel against those who wish for them to cease to exist has taught us anything, it's just how GHOULISH our fellow citizens truly are. There is zero excuse for praising Hitler. Zero. Zip. Nada. This is not something that we as a society should tolerate. We understand her first amendment rights, but freedom of speech is not freedom from the social consequences of that speech.

• More at: Twitchy - Mother Makes Shocking Statement About Hitler with Kids in Tow

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