1 year ago

David Simpson went to the Former Soviet Union in 1992, landing in Riga, Latvia. Within a year he was CEO of a corporation with 5 million dollars in physical assets and working for/with the CIA and ONI. Most all of his family and associates have been Russian. Fully briefed in 2015, after a double hip replacement Simpson went to the Donetsk Peoples Republic and worked for the DNR Ministry of Information, DONI, NEWS-FRONT of Crimea. He has been on Russia's version of 60 minutes and helped produce numerous programs on Obama/Biden corruption 10 years BEFORE it even got a fart in the US mainstream media. He continues writing songs to protest war, corruption and killing for corporate greed.

The Whitehouse says it's the end times
And American banks are bone dry
Terrorism is up
And the Stock market down
All Biden can do is stumble and frown

I live off the grid you see.
Babushka, Masha, the Bear and me
I got an AK rifle and a Eight wheel drive
And a Russian Boy can survive
Russian Folks can survive

I can plant Germans all day long
I can pack caviar from dusk to dawn
We make our own Vodka and Nukes too
There ain't too many things
These Russians can't do
We can dig good gold and do hard time
And a Russian Boy can Survive
Russian Folk can Survive

Because you can't kill us off
And we don't run
Putin come a running with an old burp gun
We into Space, We eat Ham
If you ain't into that, we no give a damn

We come from The Donbass coal mines, The Ural Mountains and them Baltic skies
We can skin a Kraut and disarm a Landmine
And a Russian Boy can survive
Russian Folks can survive

I had a good friend in Kiev City
He never called me by my name just "Wasilly"
My Grandpa taught me to defend motherland
His taught him to be a Western man
He used to send me pictures of the Maidan nights and I'd send him some Georgian wine
But he was killed by a man with a Swastika knife
For an argument over Hitler
My friend lost his life
We'll spray nerve gas in that dudes eyes
And hang him out on Lena's clothes line

Cause a Russian Boy can Survive
Russian Folks can Survive
Because you can't kill us off
And We don't run
Putin come a running with an old burp gun
We're into Space, We eat ham
If you ain't down with that
We No give a damn
We're from Moscow and the Volga Dam
And little towns all around Russia land
We can skin a Kraut & Disarm a Landmine

And a Russian Boy can Survive
Russian Folk can Survive
Russian Boy can Survive
Russian Folk can Survive
Hi-Hi-Hive, yeah
Lyrics © 2023 By David Adam Simpson all rights reserved.

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