We Lost America (Patriot Act + Israel)

11 months ago

The citizens of Nazi, Germany were so stupid that through propaganda, they literate thought they were winning the war until they looked outside and saw Russian soldiers in the street.

They were allowed to flee Berlin, but thru had to walk because their beloved Hitler had destroyed the rail lines.

Americans are far more deceived. In fact, the deception is so deep that it is costing them their eternal souls.

This Israel is being led by wickedness and also mischievous people with tiny horns on their heads. God loves mankind but He will not tolerate the wicked for much longer. He works first with water and then fire.

Noah bright the water. Netanyahu will cause the fire. The nukes will go off above cities with the temperature hotter than that of the sun. Imagine having the sun explode just 1100 feet above you.

If you don’t get a newspaper or a trash can lid up over your head? That’s it. Sunburn.

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