
8 months ago

name: Its name is "Al-Fatiha" according to its subject. "Fatihah" means that which opens an article or book or something. In other words, understand that this name has the same meaning as "preface" and the beginning of speech. Time of descent: This is a surah from the very early days of Muhammad's Prophethood. Rather, it is known from reliable traditions that this is the first complete Surah that was revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him). Before that, only miscellaneous verses were revealed which are Surah Al-Alak, Surah Muzamal and Surah Included in Madshar etc

In fact, this Surah is a prayer that God has taught to every human being who is beginning to study His Book. Placing it at the beginning of the book means that if you If you really want to benefit from this book, then first pray to God. A human being prays for what he wants and desires in his heart, and he does it in such a way that he realizes that the thing he wants is in the power of the being to whom he is praying. . Therefore, by teaching this prayer at the beginning of the Qur'an, it is as if man has been advised to read this book in search of the right path, to read it with the mindset of a seeker of truth, and to know that it is the source of knowledge. God is All-Knowing, so ask Him for guidance Start reading. After understanding this article, it becomes self-evident that the real relationship between the Qur'an and Surah Fatiha is not that of the book and its case, but that of prayer and the answer to prayer. Surah Fatiha is a supplication from the servant, and the Qur'an is an answer from God. The servant prays that O Lord! guide me In response, the Prophet placed the entire Qur'an in front of him saying that this is the guidance and guidance that you have requested from

Margin number: 1 Islam is one of the rules of the civilization that teaches man that he should start all his work with the name of God. If this rule is followed with awareness and sincerity, then it will definitely bring three benefits. One is that a person will be saved from many bad deeds, because the habit of taking God's name will make him think while starting every work, am I really right to take God's name on this work? The second is that by taking the name of God while starting righteous and good deeds, the mentality of a person will take the right direction and he will always start his actions from the most correct point. will The third and greatest advantage is that when he starts his work in the name of God, God's support and assistance will be present to him, his effort will be blessed and he will be protected from Satan's mischief. will go God's way is that when the servant pays attention to Him, He also pays attention to the servant

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