A Working Day

10 months ago

Lead track from the EP Something Left Worth Saving. Featuring Michael plus the Junglestrings, Raphaela, Nina, Inge and Luisa.


I'm not one to hesitate
And I'm gonna tell you straight
I need to avoid this working day

It all seems so trivial
So back into bed I'll crawl
I don't want to face this working day

And you know it's gone awry
When the whole world feels like I
When I think of what we gave away
It just makes me want to cry

We just wanna make some noise
Read a book, play with our toys
But with mouths to feed and bills to pay
It seems we really have no choice

Space and time to create
Learn to fly or to levitate
But not just another working day

Our time used to be our own
Our nose to our own grindstone, now it's
Traded for another working day

Is it really such a crime
Just to play or pantomime
All these days we seem to slave away
We've been robbed of our time!

I don't need to stay out late
Raise the roof, even fornicate
Just save me, from another working day

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