Pure Americana – Florida Sheriff Grady Judd !!!, 4240

7 months ago

Thanks to Jumpin Joe Biden, the United States now has an unprecedented swarm of unwelcomed visitors. Florida has more than its share, in part, because the weather there is more like the weather from whence these visitors came.

The result has been an unprecedented surge in crime. County sheriffs are the place where the responsibility to quell this crime wave currently rests because most of these unwelcomed come from nations that have no experience with how a civil society is shaped, molded, then perpetuated.

Polk County, Florida Sheriff Grady Judd epitomizes the all-American forceful response to the crime wave, and we encourage other sheriffs to implement their own home-grown version of this behavior.


I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good Day

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