SLOBODNI podcast #55-NITROGEN 2000 borba nizozemskih farmera

1 year ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ Nizozemska vlada po nalogu europske komisije želi smanjiti nizozemske poljoprivrednike za 50% proizvodnog zemljištva. Razlog koji navode je zaštita planete zemlje od klimatskih promjena. Koliko je uistinu opravdano traženje nizozemske vlade te koliko su uspješni u provedbi ove politike možete pogledati u dokumentarcu Jamesa Patricka pod imenom "NITROGEN 2000 borba nizozemskih farmera".
🙏Treat us with a coffee☕ The Dutch government, by order of the European Commission, wants to reduce Dutch farmers by 50% of productive land. The reason they state is to protect planet earth from climate change. You can see how justified the request of the Dutch government is and how successful they are in implementing this policy in James Patrick's documentary called "NITROGEN 2000, the struggle of Dutch farmers".

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