We are spiritual beings having a fleeting physical experience 39

1 year ago

This is the 39 video in the series of videos we are making to support you on your journey towards The Great Awakening.

In this video we demonstrate that we are spiritual beings having a fleeting physical experience.

Once you realise that we are not these mere meat suites, you empower yourself to break free from fear, anger and all negative emotions, as you realise that this physical experience is merely a minuscule part of everything.

In other words you innerstand that we are eternal spiritual beings of light, who only incarnate for soul growth, so there is no reason for fear, only celebration as the lessons are presented, learned and internalised.

In other words nothing ever happens to you, everything is merely an event, which we give meaning, either positive or negative.

When you see everything as learning opportunity, your whole experience changes, positively.

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