Building an international business.

1 year ago

Success Story Podcast #337 - Bill George - Businessman, Author & Harvard Professor | True North: A Clarion Call to Emerging Leaders - Step Up and Lead Now!

🚀🌎 GOING GLOBAL: Entrepreneurs, let’s talk about expanding your business internationally and seizing the massive opportunities out there!

Listen up, if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, it’s time to think BIGGER and embrace the global market! Here’s how to crush it when expanding your business internationally:

1️⃣ Do your homework: Dive deep into the markets you’re targeting. Understand the cultural, economic, and legal landscape. Know your potential customers, competitors, and partners. Knowledge is power, and it’s crucial to create a solid plan.

2️⃣ Build a local presence: Don’t just dip your toes in – go all-in and create genuine connections in your new market. Hire local talent, collaborate with local businesses, and adapt your branding to resonate with the local audience.

3️⃣ Optimize your supply chain: Efficiency is king. Manage production, shipping, and distribution like a boss to ensure timely deliveries, minimize costs, and maximize customer satisfaction. Find reliable suppliers and logistics partners with a strong international presence.

4️⃣ Adapt your product or service: Be flexible and embrace the unique needs and preferences of your new market. Modify your offering to cater to local tastes and requirements. Innovation and adaptation are your keys to success.
Remember, patience and persistence are your best friends in this journey. Keep learning, keep growing, and always stay true to your core values.

Now go out there, conquer the world, and make a global impact with your business!

#goingglobal #internationalbusiness #entrepreneurship #expansion #hustle

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