What would you rather have: the best product or a large platform?

1 year ago

What would you rather have: the best product or a large platform?


Some founders think that having the best product is enough to succeed. They spend all their time and resources on perfecting their features, design, and user experience.

But having the best product doesn’t guarantee that people will use it, buy it, or recommend it. You also need to have a large platform to reach your target audience, generate awareness, and build trust.

A large platform can be anything that gives you access to potential customers: a blog, a podcast, a newsletter, a social media account, a community, etc.

Having a large platform allows you to:

- Test your product ideas and get feedback
- Educate your market and position yourself as an authority
- Create demand and generate leads
- Nurture relationships and convert prospects
- Increase retention and referrals

Of course, having a large platform doesn’t mean that you can ignore your product quality. You still need to deliver value and solve problems for your customers.

But having a great product without a large platform is like having a Ferrari in the garage. It looks nice, but no one knows about it or cares about it.

So what would you rather have: the best product or a large platform?

I would say you need both. But if you have to choose one, I would start with building a large platform first. Because without it, no one will ever know how good your product is.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

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