TCMS#5 "LEFTISM (part 3 of 4): Leftist Word Manipulation"

1 year ago

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Leftist Word Manipulation

"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful, and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." -Orwell

The most relevant example of the left’s contempt for truth and morality is their technique of bamboozling the public by branding their evil concepts with words that are irrelevant without context yet inherently associated with positive concepts. Behold their cornerstones of “equality,” “tolerance,” “diversity,” and “social justice.”

Equality arbitrarily means two quantities are equal, yet the word implicitly associates with the moral goal of equal administration of justice. Thus the left brands its evil feel-good concept of equality of outcome with the word “equality” so that it may conflate moral perfection with moral reprehensibility.

Tolerance arbitrarily means enduring an undesired stimulus, yet the word implicitly associates with the wisdom of allowing contrary ideas to endure because each idea may yet prove unsound. Thus the left brands its evil feel-good acceptance of sickening Islam justified oppression with the word “tolerance” so that it may conflate wisdom with horror and cultural suicide.

Diversity arbitrarily means different, yet the word implicitly associates with the positivity of choices, opportunities, and rainbow colors. Thus the left brands its evil feel-good policies of multiculturalism and mass-immigration with the word “diversity” so that it may conflate positivity with white cultural and racial genocide.

“Social Justice” seems to imply the pinnacle of virtue—the ideal of a perfectly morally administrated society. In reality the concept “social justice” is a terrifying weapon to arbitrarily enforce what everyone should champion, and no one dare question.

It is impossible to reveal to the leftist these or any other of their myriad fallacies and cascading inconsistencies because it would require from them an earnest patience to listen and then also comprehend. This necessary patience can never exist in ones so fundamentally certain of their superior morality. One would think directly showing leftists the fruit of right wing thought such as massive wealth, technical and medical advancement, happiness, freedom, food, law and order, and relative peace, and then showing them the fruit of left wing thought such as massive waste, technical deficiency, unhappiness, totalitarianism, starvation, murder, war, and suicide would compel in them enough humility for their egos to shrink enough to enable them to recover their capacity for critical thought. It achieves zero. Thus, for the sake of societal advancement, it cannot be publically repeated enough that leftists are clinically insane.

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