Food Freedom Forever | Melissa Hartwig | Whole 30 Diet

7 years ago

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On this week’s podcast, you’ll learn from an exceptional woman who has dedicated her life to driving real transformations in physical and emotional wellness. In this hour, together we’ll discover the connections between your emotions and healthy habits to live your best life and enjoy the process.

Sparking real, sustainable transformation and creating food freedom begins when we do the emotional inventory with ourselves. This can be a tricky process when starting out, especially when taking the honest look at how we’re showing up in our relationship with food is the only way through.

But there’s science behind why we get stuck, and how we can change. It happens when we’re hungry and open to the right answers.

As Melissa writes in her first book, It Starts With Food:

“Ancient signals in a modern world: Food scientists have engineered chemicals in processed foods that light up the reward centers in the brain for a different reason than nature intended- not because they provide vital nutrition, but because they are scientifically designed to stimulate our tastes buds.”

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