Pleasure Meditation | Heartmath | Coach Rebecca Hazelton

8 years ago

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Rebecca Hazelton is a licensed Nutritionist, Health Coach, Personal Trainer, and HeartMath Coach running her own consulting business since 2001.

Rebecca is passionate about teaching self-care and how to treat your body with love and respect. She works locally as well as remotely via Skype with clients across the globe. Rebecca has a nutrition license through AHSU with specialty certifications in Metabolic Typing Nutrition and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition.   Rebecca is also a certified Postural Alignment Specialist with the Egoscue University. She has authored 2 books. Her first, Choosing Health: A One-Size- Doesn’t-Fit- All Guide to Diet, Exercise; Motivation is a must-read for anyone interested in living a healthier lifestyle.   Her new eBook Pleasure Meditation: Your Guide to Joyful Stress Reduction has just been released and is a simple 3-minute guide that teaches you exactly how to boost your feelings of pleasure AND melt away feelings of stress.   Rebecca lives in Soquel, CA with her husband and daughter.

To check out her books, blog, and coaching programs, visit her website

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PS: Looks like you and I share the same passion. I'm grateful for you and want to extend you my email address.

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