Sensory Deprivation, Floating, Testosterone & Magnesium | Natural Relaxation

8 years ago

Episode Bonus:

Floating studios are for anyone and everyone looking to reduce stress, joint pain, increase resting hormones, and build lean muscle through better rest-based training.

However, the people who benefit from them the most can include athletes looking to increase rest and testosterone levels, and people who suffer from chronic pains or varying forms of stress and anxiety.

When you’re in float tank, you’re in an environment where you’re not affected by gravity and you’re absorbing all the magnesium from Epsom salts. This is perfect to help your body recover and relax.

Many professional teams including the Golden State Warriors and the Chicago Cubs now have their own float tanks. They have found that floating helps their athletes visualize for upcoming games, recover fast from injuries, and help re-evaluate what they did during the last game to make a real mind and body connection.

According to Glenn, these float tanks can be your best, personal, development tool because you can easily listen to your mind and body. If you can learn to be sensitive and pay attention to what is going on with your body, then it can alert you to whether or not a future injury may happen and you can actively prevent it from occurring.

When you're in float tank, you're in an environment where you're not affected by gravity and you're absorbing all the magnesium from Epsom salts. This is perfect to help your body recover and relax to recover from intense workouts and up-regulate testosterone.

More info here:

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