You Are Welcome - Thank a Vet Geney for NOTHING!

10 months ago

Today is Veterans Day and it’s time to tell a vet geney, you are welcome. You are welcome for giving you free money to dress up in your lil soldier costumes and decorate them with your fancy flare like all your extra credit special stars. You are welcome for giving you a free ticket to fly around the world, stay at fancy hotels, and get blacked-out drunk at fancy bars and restaurants. You are welcome for giving you free housing, free pension, and an undeserved free salary so you can retire a multimillionaire after years of disservice. You are welcome for giving you free reign to fail over and over again, losing every made-up and manufactured occupation, and creating completely unnecessary and avoidable casualties from people that put their trust in the most cretinous, clueless, and corrupt military leaders, not just in the world today, but the most stupid, pathetic, and weak military losers in the history of the world. You stupid and worthless turncoats turned the US military into an aimless pathetic joke and stood down and watched as our country was invaded by foreign criminals, killers, and jihad terrorists who just skipped across the border by the carload, boatload, and armyload. So today it’s time to tell a US gAy Froggy Milifairy Farces Vet Geney, you are welcome, and, Thanks for NOTHING.

#vet #veteran #veteransday #general #admiral #Geney #adminie #retired #loser #stooge #clown #fraud #coward #traitor #usmilitary #military #usarmy #usmc #usnavy #marines #army #veterans #usa #navy #militarylife #usairforce #usmarines #airforce #veteran #usaf #america #armedforces #coastguard #marinecorps #specialforces #soldier #militarywife #militarylove #navyseals #armystrong #marine #militaryspouse #goarmy #freedom #markmilley

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