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Psalm 83 Prophesied the Berlin Conference?

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This video explores the apparent relationship between the prophetic Psalm 83 in the Bible and the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.
Psalm 83 describes a conspiracy of nations that surround Israel and plot to wipe out its name. Many biblical scholars have linked this psalm to a future end times war against Israel.
But some have drawn parallels between Psalm 83's description and the Berlin Conference coordinated by European powers like France, Britain, and Germany. At the Berlin Conference, the European nations met to rapidly claim African territories, dividing up the continent with no regard for existing states and kingdoms.
By the early 1900s, 90% of Africa had been colonized after the "Scramble" initiated at the Berlin Conference. The African rulers and tribes described in Psalm 83, like the tents of Edom and Hagrites, perhaps symbolically matched the fate of actual African regions and peoples under European imperialism.
So while Psalm 83 may have an end times fulfillment, the unprecedented colonization and conquest of Africa initiated by the Berlin Conference startlingly mirrors the Psalm's warnings about a future plot to make the name of Israel "be remembered no more." This video explores that theorized connection between Psalm 83 and the pivotal Berlin Conference.

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Music By Kids On The Porch(Instrumental) Iso Indies And Rapped By Junns The Original

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#Psalm83 #BerlinConference #ScrambleForAfrica
#BibleProphecy #BiblicalProphecy #Colonialism #Imperialism #Africa
#EuropeanColonization #Ethiopia #EndTimes #Prophecy #OttomanEmpire
#19thCentury #MiddleEast #VerseOfTheDay #History #1884 #1885 #OttomanPalestine
#BibleHistory #Religion #Theology #Psalms #Spirituality #OttomanEmpire
#Scripture #Christianity #Islam #OttomanCaliphate #OttomanAfrica
#VerseOfTheDay #BibleVerses #HolyLand #Zionism #Verse #EndTimesSigns