Episode 93: Zionist plan for Gaza

6 months ago

First aired on 11 November 2023

It is clear that Israel's genocidal war on Gaza aims to drive the Palestinians out to the Sinai Desert of Egypt.

A recent leaked document from the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence laid out the plan for this operation and ways in which it can be sold to Palestinians and the international community.

It is an attempt by Israeli regime to push further into the plan for Greater Israel. Make no mistake, this plan will fail. Israel is doing everything it can to make Gaza uninhabitable for the Palestinians. But what about the damage to the Israeli economy?

Business in the settler colony is massively impacted, with 61,000 settlers currently on unpaid leave from work. There has been a 70% drop in tourism revenue, with most flights to the Zionist entity being cancelled.

The Tamar natural gas field run by Chevron has also been shut down and put out of operation due to fear of rockets from the resistance factions. It is estimated that shutting down this field will cost the Israeli economy $200mn for every month it is closed. In a desperate bid to avoid the risk of 60,000 Palestinian construction workers that the Israeli building industry is reliant on,

Israel is now planning to transport in that number of workers from Southeast Asia to replace them.

The effect on businesses has been so dramatic that Israel's finance ministry has presented a plan to grant $1 billion in grants for Israeli businesses smashed by the war.

Israel's infamous tech industry was already staggering before the war; while it usually accounts for 48% of Israel's exports and brought in a record 21 billion dollars in 2021, it was halved in 2022. It fell a further 68% in the first half of 2023 and this war will further damage that key aspect of Israel's foreign policy.

All of these factors have contributed to a 14-year low for the shekel currency of the Zionist entity. As Israel's military elite initiates a war of attrition to drive the Palestinians out of Gaza, the longer it goes on, the worse the economic consequences will be for the Zionist entity.

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