WTFR Weekend News Round Up Nov 10th/11th 2023

1 year ago

Let's suffice to say, the paedophile kleptomaniac psychopath class are still running the show this week, although one or two of them might have noticed the dissatisfaction of us mere serfs, & decided to throw us a bone.

According to President of the ECB Christine Lagarde, "cash is here to stay. " Whether she spoke those words through gritted teeth or not is another matter, but it's certainly reassuring to know that the sheer might & will of the people - & their concern at the potential for a burgeoning China style police state, has not been ignored.

Anyway, there's that, & a bunch of other news, not all of which is doom & gloom, so the message here is keep your eyes peeled, trust nothing you read & nothing you are told, but know that your actions do have an impact on the rest of the world - much to the chagrin of our owners.

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