45+ | Interview (Fentanyl Deaths) | Check Description

7 months ago

Trump says 250k to 300k Americans Die of Fentanyl a year, Not 100k - “It’s a Rare War”

When you have that many Americans die every year, and China is responsible for it, yes, it’s a war and China is effectively killing 300k Americans a year… yet no one talks about it.

Combine that with the intentionally mass immigration, America, and it equals a spirally destabilized country.

China is doing to America exactly what Britain did to China, where Britain was selling opium to China, causing a severe crisis of addiction within the country.

“We also have to bring China into the picture, because most of it, much of it comes from China.

So we have to bring China into that picture. And if we don't bring them, we're just wasting time. We're just talking.

This would just be an interview that doesn't mean anything. So China's sending it. Much of it comes through Mexico. We have to work on that. But we have to stop it.

We're losing, I think the real number is 250 to 300,000. It's not 100,000. They've been saying 100,000 now for 10 years, 15 years. It's 250 to 300,000 people.

It's a very rare war where you lose that number of people.

So this is a war. It's a war on drugs.
And we're going to get it won. And we'll deal with Mexico on it.“

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