*NFT ALERT* - Chopping It up with The Shred

6 months ago

We Finally get the chance to sit down with The Legend of NFTs -The Shred !
We will DEF be talking about The Lost Donkeys and how we plan to Dominate The Hashverse as well as some friends of ours that have recently joined. We get real and ask the hard hitting questions about Treasure and the pros and cons of being so early in the Gaming NFT space - Put your boots on cause we get deep in this one ! A raw no holding back style episode but fun bc you got 3 $DONKS Heee Haaawing it up! We talk about the past and the plans in the future of all things NFT and Crypto - DO NOT MISS this one**
SmolAge Shoutouts, Hashverse and Hashflow - Hell even Realm is discussed in this episode LFG!!!!



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