The Book of Daniel explained

10 months ago

kingdom of gold is head is metal gold
kingdom of silver is chest = canger the crab rulled by the moon whos metal is silver
2 kingdoms are sol and mon solon
the 3rd bronze is venus at the lower body
and the legs of iron start at scorpio whith mars ruling scorpion
the feet being the age of picses the fish a fish used in ancient times as a I ēsous Ch ristos th eou hy ios s ōtēr meaning Jesus Christ Son of God Savior.
so we have entrered the age of aquarious the legs ruled bu saturn and lead
this means the we are on the up cycle twelve ages is 25,772 years. in all
but their are 144. 9 x 16 making one space flight of the anunaki
and they are all bulshitting you with every thing from religion to black holes an nothing they tell us was ever true any way lol holey bible means it has a hole in it
the word is whole not hole and this is done by the soap and weep makers to sell you mars bars and bibles is They are used in computus (the calculation of the date of Easter) and also in Runic calendars and the number 9 the stars of the big dipper
none of this is true you know !!!!!! no one went to the moon and the world is wwwww shape not 0 shape nor ------ shape and it dont matter if it is lol
dose it = no what has changed if it is round or not ? lol non of it matters

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