Coming Soon to Action Extreme Gaming 2023 - Lufia 3: The Legend Returns Sneak Preview [A Mysterious Female Fortune Teller who Can Predict the Future is in need of a Hero!]

1 year ago

Coming Soon to Action Extreme Gaming 2023 - Lufia 3: The Legend Returns Sneak Preview [A Mysterious Female Fortune Teller who Can Predict the Future is in need of a Hero!]

With Halloween Season Now Over untile Next Year,time to get back to my "Action Extreme Gaming" Series,including making some new Revamp changes to my Action Extreme Gaming 2023 Intro!

Anyways,what I got for you guys today is a Sneak Preview Treat for an Upcoming Game Boy Color Gem i plan to do soon,which Is Lufia III: THe Legend Returns!

Ahh yes,I remember seeing previews of this game in the various Issues of Nintendo Power I owned,which this Game was defentially ahead of it's time for a Late Game Boy Color Release which funny enough,this game came out the same year as both Pokemon Crystal and the GBC Remake of Dragon Quest/Warrior 3 in

2001 was quite a big Year back in the day,the GBC was very late into it's life cycle and the Game Boy Advance Debuted the Same year around that time,which sadly this gem was hugely ignored dued to coming out at a bad time during the Launch of the GBA System,which Games like Advanced Wars,Castlevania Circle of the Moon,KOnami Krazy Racers and Super Mario Advance also debuted that year!.

anyways,Lufia 3: The Legend returns is the 3rd installment of the Lufia Series and the only Lufia game to be released on the GBC while the 2 previous games were released on the Super Nintendo. one of the Female protagonist in this game is a female Fortune Teller named Seena who can use magic and predict the future and she is fortold of a Profecy to search for a Legendary Swordsman who can save the World from the 4 Deadly Sinistrals! but unfortionatly,of all of seena's rotten luck,her prediction of a legendary Hero is this Ass clown she's stuck with named Wain!

Seena is quite the Powerhouse in this game which she prooves her Point testing out her Powerful Magic Spells on Wain.XD

It's always a tradition that every JRPG and Action Game to have that one Powerhouse Magic user on your team such as Tia from Tecmo's Secret of the Stars for example and Veronica from Dragon Quest 11 Echoes of an Exclusive age!

Similar to how charlotte aulin from Castlevania Portrait of Ruin was the highlight of that game,Seena was the true Highlight Star of this game,and not

but not to worry though,there will be plenty of other female characters that you can recruit who will join Seena and Wain later on in the game:

While the game also has some halarious comedy gold dialouge,but they seem to drag it out way too long,even for GBC/8-bit standards!

And speaking of the GBC,the Music is awsome and kicks ass,whih this game took full advantage of the Game Boy Color's Hardware for a Late Released Title!

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