Scooter Tramp Scotty. Blown Motor Pt-2

1 year ago

This video will cover these topics:
Weak points in evo cam chest and how to correct them.
Lifter wheel breakage - which can easily take out your whole motor - and how to detect and fix it.
Front pully and the leak problem behind it.
A few other tips as well.

My book, Josie’s Journey. Josie’s is not a motorcycle book, but rather a spiritual book told in the story of one man’s journey to freedom:

PayPal donate link for those who wish to help support my work:

CashApp - A PayPal alternative:$ScooterTrampScotty

Zelle. A Canadian couple (who recently canned their PP) turned me on to this one. Supposed to be super easy and uses no middleman. It’s in the app store. You just need my email:

Many know something is very wrong these days, but few are aware of what can be done about it. This video shows the action that we, as individuals, can take that, when applied in mass, would make a huge difference!

These nameless elites and globalists are not nameless. The have a name and a very long history that they don't want you to know about. This little video will get you started down that road.

Scooter Tramp Scotty on Free Speech Channels: (These are all current)
This Odysee channel still has every video I ever made:
STS on Bitchute:

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