Netanyahu's IDF trained Azov Banderites in Ukraine.

10 months ago

really makes you wonder what the truths of WW2 and the Nazis, Zionists etc really were. We know Zionists and Nazis worked together to fight the British and Soviets and that, as usual, the US funded both sides....
Obviously we are being fed a load of shite from American media now, must have been 100 times worse in the 1930s when it was mostly just radio and paper.

These Nazi types really hate the Russians for being tougher and smarter than them so spoiling their wolrd domination plans....the British have quietly just surrendered.

...and they have the cheek to call Mulsims the bad guys, no one does gencide like a Christain and no one plays the victim like a Jew....imo all these Abrahmic religious types are completely insane and are all lunatics that should not be allowed near any heavy weaponry....and what do the bad guys all seem to have in common? ZIONISM.

note: we don't even know all the facts of just 2 generations ago yet people quote Jesus, Abraham and Mohammed etc and their bibles like it was fact from yesterday...idiots. brain dead idiots the lot of them.

note2: The Jewsih Torah wasn't written down till <2000 years ago, it was "an oral tridition", Jesus wasn't written down till 1700 years ago,300 years after he died, the Talmud didn't exist before 1600 years ago and Mohammed didn't exist before 1500 years ago....none of it is ancient, all was post-Roman Emprie = divide and rule.
"don't" be fooled.

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