Creating Holidays with the Kanawha Valley Hustlers

8 months ago

It's Joe Justice from the Kanawha Valley Hustlers. In this episode at Bar 101, I'm chatting with Erin about the Young Professionals group's monthly event. It's too loud inside, so we take the conversation outdoors, discussing the early darkness due to daylight savings.
Let’s create some new holidays with Erin Noon, Mike Stockman, DJEJ, Hunter Wilkes, Elishua Brown, Dan Irwin, William J. McCormick, Elena Compton and Britney.

Hypothetically scrapping all holidays, I ask Erin about creating a new one. Her suggests National Nice People's Day, celebrating the kindness at Charleston Area Lines. Mike Stockman follows with Veterans Day and a quirky Elf Day.

Other participants join in, proposing holidays like an amplified New Year's Eve, New Year's Rebirth for personal growth, and "Don't Care Day" for authenticity. Dan Irwin suggests a soccer season celebration, while William J. McCormick introduces "William J Day" with a big sale and goofy antics. Elena Compton envisions an extended International Women's Day, emphasizing gratitude.

Britney opts for Appreciation Day with a potluck feast, and I introduce "Anti-Hustle Day" as a reminder to avoid burnout. The message? Hustle hard, hustle smart, but always hustle with a smile. Until next time, this is Joe Justice, signing off.

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