
1 year ago

“US Citizens” cannot own physical land because they are presumed to be tenants not landlords. In all cases where “US Citizens” not ‘American Nationals’, live in homes or on land in this country, they only have tenant rights, even if they have paid off their Mortgages.

If your Property Taxes (rent forever) are not paid, you will lose your property. Once you have declared on the Public Record that you are an ‘American National’, it all changes.

‘American Nationals’ not employed by the government do not have to pay Federal Income Taxes.

That Corporations cannot Address living people unless men/women are tricked into admitting they are artificial persons?

No government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.”

The Pledge of Allegiance is an undisclosed entrapment into contract ceding authority to represent the individual inhabitants and the American Republic to “the United States of America” similar to what happens when an unwary individual hires a lawyer to “represent” them and “stand for” them in a court.

That Your Identity was stolen at birth via the Birth Certificate that your Mother signed. An infant decedent estate has been established in your ALL CAPS NAME, and has been used to conduct business in your NAME(S)

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