Pro-Palestinian Protestors Don't Know Basic Facts About How The War Started

7 months ago

Should a person be expected to know basic facts surrounding an issue before they go off to protest in favor or opposing an issue? We'd say yes, but clearly there are some who don't see any reason why a person should be bothered. See here for an excellent example coming to us from England. When asked 'When Hamas invaded Israel on the 7th of October, what was your initial reaction to that?' both girls give such a blank stare before the lady holding the pro-Palestinian sign says 'I don't believe they did, did they?' WHAT?!? Apparently there was no mention of the Hamas attacks on Israel on whatever TikTok video these gals got their news from, we guess? We're not the only ones assuming that this is TikTok activism either, by the way.

• More at: Twitchy - Oof! Pro-Palestinian Protestors Don't Know Basic Facts About How the War Started

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