Reuters, AP, NY Times, CNN Freelance Photojournalist In Gaza On A Motorcycle With A Grenade On Oct 7

7 months ago

CNN, The New York Times, and the Associated Press all had photographers/journalists on the ground WITH HAMAS on October 7. Let us repeat that one more time ... their photographers/journalists were literally EMBEDDED with terrorists during a terror attack on Israel. Man, just when we all think we can't possibly hate the mainstream media more, they prove us wrong. And for those claiming this was nothing but journalists/photographers covering a war or some other happy horse crap to justify any of this, there was a ceasefire in place on October 7. Not to mention this was not a war, this was not one army against another. It was a group of terrorists torturing, raping, murdering, and kidnapping innocent Israeli men, women and children. There is no excuse for this. None. Especially when you see this thread from Marina Medvin who brought ALL the receipts.

• More at: Twitchy - Marina Medvin Takes AP/CNN/NYT APART for Their Hamas-Embedded 'Journos' on Oct 7 in Receipt-Filled Thread
Twitchy: Correspondents or Collaborators? Shocking New Report About Embedded Photographers on Oct. 7

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