HII: Jewish Infant Shot and Killed by Arab Sniper!

1 year ago

Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum in Hebron is in front of a Memorial for Shalevet Pass, an infant who was shot dead by an Arab "Palestinian" sniper in 2001.

You will NEVER see an Israeli do this, EVER!

People keep trying to make comparisons. There are absolutely NONE to make!

"Palestinians" call for the death of all Israelis while Israel gives up land for peace, including Gaza. Since Israel gave the Arabs Gaza in 2005, Hamas was democratically voted into power with a shared goal to not only to annihilate Israel, but to murder ALL Jews. Hamas was created in 1988 and their Charter at that time clearly called for the destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews. This is who the "civilians" overwhelmingly voted into power.

Hamas has literally fired over 100K rockets into Israel AT Israeli civilians in the past 20 years. What other country would tolerate this? Had Hamas been successful with even 10% of their rockets, hundreds of thousands if not millions would be dead.

Hamas MUST be stopped; especially because they use their women and children as shields; especially because they place their HQ and bombs in schools and hospitals; and especially because they have turned well over 80% of their supposed "civilian" population into armchair terrorists who celebrate the death of innocent Israeli civilians.

Their children are programmed from the age of three to become Shahids, martyrs whose only goal is to kill as many Jews as possible.


FOR YEARS, Endless Arab homicide bombers and knife and gun wielding murderers of innocent Israeli civilians kept coming across the border. Israel was forced to build a fence to protect their people. The butchering of Israeli civilians stopped overnight.


It should also be noted that while those who support "Palestinians" would like you to believe the Arabs are only attacking Israelis because Jews (Who were given the Land in an ETERNAL Covenant by Everyone's Creator; who tried time and again to reach an agreement with the Arabs throughout the 20th century; and who have Rights to the Land of Israel simply because of Wars won), supposedly stole their land. Their narrative doesn't hold up against the facts including the Hebron Massacre of 1929. SIXTY-SEVEN Jews were murdered in cold blood by their Arab neighbors. The Jewish doctors and nurses who treated them and who delivered their babies were literally hacked to pieces! This had nothing to do with Land or even disputed Land. This had to do with their thirst for Jewish blood.

Am Yisrael Chai!

DIG for the TRUTH!


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