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15 seconds

The RSB Show 11-10-23 - US pharma addicts, VICP sued, Homeopathic Agaricus, Michael Boldin, Tenth Amendment Center, Hamilton’s crazy plan, GOP debate

Streamed on:

TODAY ON THE ROBERT SCOTT BELL SHOW: America's addiction to drugs, Vaccine Injury Compensation, Safe and effective, Heart Health, Homeopathic Hit - Agaricus, Michael Boldin, Tenth Amendment Center, Hamilton's crazy plan, News Guard fact chuckles, Airport facial recognition, AI lapel pins, GOP debate snoozefest and MORE! http://www.robertscottbell.com/natural-remedies/americas-addiction-to-drugs-vaccine-injury-compensation-safe-and-effective-heart-health-homeopathic-hit-agaricus-michael-boldin-tenth-amendment-center-hamiltons-crazy-plan-news-guard-fac/


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