"Dear Abby" gives Mom TERRIBLE Taylor Swift advice

1 year ago

This girl wasted $900 on a Taylor Swift ticket, and her mom is blaming the girl's "greedy" friend. DEAR ABBY AGREES?!?!
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Thank you for watching! We are a couple of brothers from Nashville, Tennessee who have enjoyed making videos together since we were little kids. We've gotten married to a couple of awesome girls since then, and they show up on the channel sometimes too! If you would like to get in touch, feel free to shoot us an email. We love hearing from people! Send us an email!

Jordan: http://www.instagram.com/messy_jordan
Kelli: http://www.instagram.com/keenertaylor
Sara: http://www.instagram.com/life_as_saylor

0:00 Today on the show…
1:36 Funny story about “Uncle Jordan”
3:42 Josh is preparing for his 3rd half-marathon
5:04 One album or one genre?
7:10 Memes about the devil
8:03 If he doesn’t like you, should you still tell him?
11:44 Our top 5 favorite songs of all time
20:12: Daughter buys $900 Taylor Swift ticket. Mom furious…
26:36 When will it all collapse?
34:14 DO THIS to add years to your life
38:15 The miracle of “Google Translate”
40:26 Jordan finds an incredible deal…
42:31 Funny story about “Dad Josh”
45:23 Jordan recommends GOODWILL
47:04 Josh recommends CLASSIC pop and emo
48:25 That’s it (long sigh)

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