How Does Globalism Harm Citizens? Dutch Politician Thierry Baudet Explains

7 months ago

In another excellent conversation, Thierry Baudet explains on the Mel K Show, what globalism is, how it works, and why it causes so much harm to what were once prosperous societies. State and corporate power have merged in a way that forces citizens to pay for the boom in billionaire wealth. It is all marketed as being for benevolent reasons around health, safety and doing / being "good".

Mel K goes on to explain what globalist powers such as the United Nations and World Economic Forum have to do with this massive plunder. Basically, they plan to replace national and local governance with centralised, global governance. Even district, city and town council levels across the western world are now following globalist mantras around "sustainable development goals", and other expensive "social capital" demands such as ESG (environmental, social, governance) and DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) which are too expensive for small business to comply with and will concentrate all profit and power to big business.

At the beginning of Covid many politicians used the term "new world order" but this awakened too many to the scam, so the terminology has been moderated.


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