RRR004 Retirement Renegade Radio Show - First 3 Questions Before You Decide to Retire Abroad

7 months ago

Hello and welcome.

I’m the first Retirement Renegade – Winn – and your host of this podcast and the Retirement Renegade Blog at https://retirementrenegadeblog.substack.com or https://bit.ly/retirerblog.

Welcome to the blog dedicated to helping you build your retirement portfolio so you can live out your golden years on your own terms.

Let’s get started.

3 Takeaways

1 – Does your retirement philosophy mesh with retiring abroad?
2 – Where in the world should you retire?
3 – How’s your health?

More Americans are considering retiring abroad.

Information from the Social Security Administration shows the number of retirees who draw outside the U.S. jumped 40%- more than 413,000 - between 2007 and 2017.

The thirst for adventure in the “golden years,” important financial considerations, and the deteriorating social, economic, and political milieu in the United States are compelling reasons to cast a gaze at foreign shores.

Ahead, you learn the three (3) salient questions to answer before packing up and making the leap to a new home overseas.

As a programming note:
Get full access to the printed and audio form of this blog post at: https://bit.ly/rrb004.

3 Reasons Why to Consider Retiring Abroad
One of the biggest reasons to retire abroad is financial.

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