D.C. organized religiou$ mafia

1 year ago

Doug Coe=Mr. D.C. himself~The Godfather of the crime family that spent the greater part of 50 years crafting the New World Order from behind the scenes.
Not only have these criminals perfected World war in Our good names as Americans!
These criminals seek to destroy us from within!
These career criminal$ have weaseled their way into Our family Courts to gain access to families
because the American BAR members and their associates use statutes and code and their policy to gain access over Our money and have created a Ponzi scheme using BOND$ and credit system which unlawful and illegal
Child support is a Bill of Attainder and peonage is unlawful and
Promissory Notes are unlawful and
Bail Bonds are unlawful!
According to:
Article 1 section 10 clause 1 :
"The s/State shall coin Nothing but silver and gold as tender and payment of debt."
All debt is obligation of the United States which is a dissolved corporation under
Title 28 USC 3002 15 A: "the United States is a federal corporation not a government" and now that dissolved corporation as of 6/2021, is operating under the name:
The White House aka United States just defaulted on June 30th 2023
So really....
These folks are not entitled to their charge.
So they shouldn't be having any revenue agents out here shaking down the American People because their corporation is now in Default so they have no duty to charge any damn body a damn thing!
For Real!
These motherfuckers can't even balance their own checkbook
let alone take your baby at gunpoint from you using one of their thin blue line thug $/revenue agents to steal your flesh and blood living and breathing baby
which is not surety for their damn debt!
These are career criminals and the sooner that the American People wake up to this fraud the better off the world will bee to understand and realize just who the fuck has been beind all this New World order corporatization of these National Governments worldwide-wide now operating all in fraud.
It's up to We the People of the World to pierce this corporate veil and overthrow these corporate entitie$ and career criminal$ once and for all!
These so~called people in places of power have all been hand selected by criminals. Our American Law does not reflect their "Administrative Procedures Act" or cannons that these so called magistrates/judges use that are coming straight out of the Vatican.
These magicians are black magic priests and performing black magic rituals on Our babies and Our lives from the cradle to the grave
These criminals have found a way to tap into our most scared ands private precious moments of our lives.
Rtuals and "birth"dates and times are significant to these black priests, who steal and are trafficking children to the tune of 150 billion dollar a year industry using their simulated legal processes aka Administrative Reviews/ "no courts of record" so that way when the babies go missing, there is no way to track or trace them!
These motherfucking pedohiles can't even balance their own checkbooks let alone be able to get their grubby hands on Our babies!
Now y'all know!
Don't act like you don't!
We have domestic Terrorists in Our house and it's time for a little house cleaning !
The American People are the Militia and it is Our Duty!
These sons a bitches are operating Unlawfully and We the People can shut down their entire illegal and unlawful operation with but one of Our Articles in Our Constitution
Article 1 section 10 clause 1:
"The s/State shall not coin anything but silver and gold as tender and payment of debt!"
They can't regulate it!
They can't track/trace it!
They can't stop it!
This is how We buck their entire criminal $ystem they ensnare us with!


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