Best of Twin Babies!

6 years ago

Stop what you are doing and watch this video because it will be the cutest video you watch on the internet this week. This compilation is filled with some of the funniest and most adorable twin baby videos in our library. Read about the Top 4 Moments below!

1. Double The Trouble (1st clip)
These adorable twin babies fight over the same pacifier. If this is any indication of how to two of these kiddos are going to grow up... their parents should go buy 2 of everything NOW!

2. Double the fun! (:48 seconds)
These two are either going to be class clowns (aka the funniest kids) or they will be rockstars. Either way, we are highly entertained!

3. Double The Work! (1:38 seconds)
The clip of this new Dad TRYING to keep his twins from falling over is a seriously cute family moment. Try not to smile!

4. Amazed and Confused (6:58 seconds)
This video of an older brother sitting down with his twin sisters is TOO much! Overwhelming? Maybe. Adorable? Yes.

Which clip was your favorite?

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