Andre Hodge - Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth

1 year ago

🐉♾🙏 Here's To A Powerful Launch Into 2022 :) 🙏♾🐉

🐉♾🙏 Andre Hodge - Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth 🙏♾🐉

Hello You Epic Amazing Being :)

Thank you for finding me. If you have been thorough, dedicated and committed to your expansion. With me having the privilege of being a part of your 2021. I am honoured of being worthy of being an aspect of this journey of yours. And, hope i have helped you ignite that unquenchable thirst of wanting to know all you can. As quickly as possible. Knowing it is an enormous ally to navigate our world to come.

To those of you who took that to the next level. And invested in me and explored a or many healing sessions. I thank you even more. You all made my ability to contribute this way possible. I hope you gained a great deal from it on top of all the teachings i have shared. And, it has enabled your expansion of possibilities be realised in ways you never through was possible.

I do greatly appreciate all angles involved in exploring healing. I know the enormous Rite of Passage it is. So, i hope the experience helped you see it is such an ally to have the courage to explore. Being proactive in an enormous ally in our world today. So you can be there as a reference when the rest of humanity realises this also. As what is to be unfolds.

What an amazing year and time to be pushing our awareness as hard as we can. It might seem crazy, epic, ridiculous and you are fatigued from enduring the rough seas of falsehood's resistance. I am sure though you are also starting to realise. Charting the tricky information waters is made far more simple. When based on the co-ordinates of truth.

As an Island of truth itself now. Perhaps it has felt very isolated and under resourced at times. Holding the truth line. But totally in our element at the same time. You know there is no other way to live. To live life based upon Truth and Authenticity. While the majority justify compromise. Because i am sure you also are starting to realise. It is mandatory for your psychic defense.

Are you feeling there is more to know? Despite incredible effort and dedication. For what feels like eons yet still not offering any sort of satisfaction? Some elusive comprehensions bubbling up with no frame of reference? Do you feel there is some murmur of incredible elegant understanding is within your grasp? Calling out to you to be known? Its drives your relentlessness also.

Perhaps your Ancient Soul Truth is starting to echo through time to this you now also. Of who you are. How amazing and powerful you are. And, what it truly means to be Human on Earth Mother in this universe. Once and for all.

Something that has long been lost. Never afforded to be heard and incredibly hindered for too many past lifetimes to count. Enormously destructive events have occurred you have endured. All designed to prevent what we each feel deep inside. Some ultimate conclusion that we have endured everything to contribute as variables in its inevitable realisation. We are the best of the best. The tip of the truth spear. Anchoring this possibility for all. Responding to our Soul Echo's plan all along

It is time to own it. You have permission to be the greatest possible version of yourself. When most of humanity does exactly the opposite. It is time to own your Infinite Potential. And, make from 2022 Humanity's once and for all.

I feel I, we, humanity are edging closer and closer to this in so many ways. What ever is going on in the world. Has a deliberate but futile attempt to distracting us from what is to be. In one last gasp. The craziness just confirms its exhausted from our relentlessness. Nothing will pull us away from this eventuality. For you wouldn't be here unless you deeply know this outcome.

So, stay strong. Committed and hold your truth line. Focused and always expanding. We are the best there have ever been. We are enough. Best of luck all. Have an awesome running start into 2022 :)

🐉♾🙏 Enjoy and Dream Big 🙏♾🐉

How to Access Me for Healing Sessions:

Andre Hodge - Infinite Potential Healing Playlist:

Andre Hodge - Multidimensional Method to the 3D Madness Playlist:

Andre Hodge - Foundational Concepts Playlist:

Galactic Special Forces Playlist:

Conscious Explorer Series:

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