The Ideology of Control - James Corbett Interview Part 1

10 months ago

Interviewer: We are back again with James Corbett. It's a pleasure to be here with you. James, thank you for coming on.
Corbett: Thank you for taking the time. I appreciate it.
Interviewer: So, I couldn't believe it. I looked at the KLA interview lineup and I noticed it's been three years since our last interview. It does not seem like that long because we do so many productions where we feature you. So, I've been out of the State for 15 months, just back here in Japan briefly, but I haven't quite soaked up the zeitgeist of everything. Could you begin by just giving us a little rundown on how are things going over in the East in Japan? Are they beyond the pandemic insanity and what's going on?
Corbett: Yeah, it's a good question. And up until a couple of weeks ago, I might have said that things were trending in the positive direction for those of us who have maintained our sanity for the past few years, at least in so far as I've had caused to note a number of times here. It wasn't until about September or October of 2020 that I started to notice basically everyone was masked up all the time by that point. And it remained that way until earlier this year. In fact, up until the last couple of months and finally, given the unbelievably excruciatingly hot weather that we've been suffering under this summer, a lot of people finally took off the masks and at the very least outside in public places, you were much more likely to see unmasked people. So, of course, still some masked people, but certainly not the numbers we were seeing before. And it seemed like people were starting to return to something resembling sanity. However, of course, as people might know, the latest iterations of the various mutations and whatever else we're supposed to be scared of this week are coming back. And I understand that cases are on the rise again here in Japan. So we'll see how that plays out. So far, I haven't seen the instantaneous reaction of everyone to start masking all over again. But as we are coming into the cooler fall months, hopefully in the coming weeks, I would really hope, it's very likely that we will start to see a return of some of that insanity.
Interviewer: Right. You're supposed to put your fingers up for the scare quotes when you say cases.
Corbett: Yes. Yes, exactly right.
Interviewer: I had coffee with a friend the other day and he said, well, change comes slow in Japan. So they came out of this very slowly. And he says, I was questioning as to whether those masks will go right back on. He said, well, no, change comes slow and that'll take time too. But my opinion is different. I think that with the right media push and they know how to do it here, we'll see universal compliance in an eye blink. What do you think?
Corbett: I unfortunately agree with you very much. I've made the observation before that MacArthur was not wrong when he called Japan a nation of children, at least insofar as it is very, very easily controlled and manipulatable by essentially a large PR push. And generally, that would come through the establishment media. That's exactly how we got to that stage of 99% of people, 99% of the time, all masked up and afraid of each other over the past couple of years. And it really is simply because the TV stopped putting the numbers up, the number of cases up every single day and blasting that all over the headlines that people started to return to some resemblance of normality. But as you say, as soon as they start doing that again, it will probably return to that old new normal in a heartbeat.
Interviewer: Right, right. It seems the serious gray haired doctor in the white suit and the black rimmed glasses goes a long ways in goading the people into whatever they want. Okay, let's get to our main topic. We have two main topics today. The first one is we're going to talk about major powers and players. And are they at odds or are they in cahoots? One of my favorite Substack writers is a guy named Riley Waggaman. You're familiar with him because he's been on your show a few times. And when we think of a lot of people, they either need to have some hero, be it nationally or internationally, and they need people want hope, right? So they look to various places around the world where they can find a little hope. And some people seem to think that Russia is at odds with America in this push towards globalism and so forth. But just looking at a few of the titles of Riley's Substack posts, here's three of them. “Yes, Russia is complicit in the Great Reset.” “Yes, Russia is part of the sustainable development revolution.” “No, Putin did not ban 5G. Sorry about that.” Are the major players in the world truly engaging in a Cold War-esque enemy against enemy battle? Or are they all on the same game plan, James?
Corbett: I almost want to say a third option, insofar as yes, I think there is a coordinated overall, I think there is an overall agenda, but it is not necessarily coordinated in the sense or in the way that people might expect it to be. So it can be the case that there are separate people with their own agendas and their own, who aren't necessarily on a team or card carrying members of the globalist club, whatever that club may be, who are still working in furtherance of the overall goals of the would-be controllers, because what we are dealing with fundamentally is not an institution. It is not a club. It is not the World Economic Forum or anything along those lines. It is an ideology. It is the ideology of control, of centralized control. Oligarchy, essentially, is what we are facing. And from that perspective, there can be many different oligarchs of different flavors and who have different ways of approaching the issue, but they all essentially want the same thing, which is control over their population and as much of the globe as they can claw control over. And that essentially puts them in bed, whether they think they are, whether they want to be or not, it really doesn't matter. They are working towards the same agenda. This is why, for example, we can look to communist China and see the ills of the social credit system and the digital gulag that they're erecting there. And often you'll see in Western mainstream establishment media, yes, they're decrying the increasingly Orwellian technocratic control that China wields over its population. But of course, that's also happening in the West. We can look at things like the sustainable development drive and how it is a mask and a cover for oligarchical attempts to gain control over more and more of the world's resources. But it's also happening in China and Russia. And they're openly stating they're 100 percent in favor of the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. And we must work towards the furtherance and acceleration towards the 2030 goals and all of this. Yeah, they're all saying the same thing because ultimately it all redounds to their benefit in the same way. They want control over their populations. And that doesn't matter whether they're sitting there in the Kremlin or in the White House or anywhere else oligarchs want control. And so that's what unites them is an ideology more so than a club or a group.
Interviewer: That's right. And, you know, sometimes my friends and I will be talking about the news, current events. And I got one friend who's convinced that everything we watch is part of some gigantic psyop. And one of the questions I was going to ask you is, is this whole Ukraine thing a giant psyop? But, you know, even if it's not, even if it's even if let's say that there were legitimate interest, legitimate reasons for Putin to do what he did when he attacked the Donbass and and there was a legitimate response, this thing is a psyop in the sense that it's used like a 1984 war scenario. And it seems to me that either side is bound to give up a certain amount of power if this thing ends, because it works for both groups.
Corbett: Yes, exactly right. War is the health of the state, which is why wars have always been used throughout history as ways of subjugating one's own population as much as taking control over other swaths of the globe. And I think we see no exception with in this case. And in fact, it's interesting because we hear in the West and or in the Far East, in our case, in English language media are looking at this from a from a distance. But people like Riley Wagman, like the Slavland Chronicles, like, there are many bloggers who are living in or around or at least speaking and monitoring the Russian language media and will note that the Russian patriot movement, which does exist, is criticizing what the Kremlin is doing in the Ukraine, precisely because they're not doing what this was ostensibly all about. Like they're going to denazify Ukraine and affect some sort of regime change that is going to somehow unseat anyone who will conceivably be complicit with NATO. And this is all going to turn things around. What is the end game here and how is it going to play out? Well, details, details, who cares? It's just a forever war at this point until such time as it is convenient for both sides to draw a line and call some sort of truce. And whatever that looks like, I don't think it's going to be a decisive victory either way, because what would a decisive victory even look like other than the complete obliteration and destruction of either Ukraine or Russia? And I don't think either of those are in the cards, but it benefits everybody's interest to keep a long, drawn out, protracted conflict going in which you can just continue to send people into the meat grinder for the benefit of the military-industrial complex and people who want to maintain the war restrictions. Exactly as in Ukraine, for example, they're outlawing opposition political parties and movements and censoring the media, etc. Of course, yes, but they're also doing that in Russia. You can't even call this a war in Russia. In fact, people were being arrested for simply holding up signs that said “two words”, not signs that said no war, but the sign literally just said “two words”. And it was understood that those two words were no war and thus people were being arrested for them. And that's just one sign of the absolute insanity that detains all such conflicts. So yes, I think you're right. At the end of the day, what does it mean that this is all controlled or a psyop or this is just an illusion or something like that? No, real people are really dying, but it's not for the benefit of whatever they think they are dying for. It is for the benefit of the oligarchs who are controlling them.
Interviewer: Yep. The powers that be. Have you followed the situation with Gonzalo Lira and what's happening to him at all? Do you have any opinion?
Corbett: I haven't studied the details of it. The last I heard he was arrested while trying to cross the border, but I don't know the details.
Interviewer: Okay. Okay. You say that it feels like an endless war. It feels like that to me. Are you familiar with the two Greek guys? One's Greek American, one's English Greek, who do the Duran?
Corbett: Not personally, but I do know of the Duran, yeah.
Interviewer: Yeah. Well, I always watch the Duran video and it seems like the one who's in England, I think his name might be Alexander, Kristof or something like that. It seems like it's the same theme every single time. It's Russia is just about to occupy X. Russia is just about to defeat the forces in Y. And it feels like, I mean, it feels like an Orwellian broadcast from Central Command and Russia's about to win every time, but this has been going on for years now.
Corbett: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And you'll see that it's interesting. It's of course the game that is played on both sides of every war or multiple sides of every war. It's always, we're just about to win and we're just about to conquer. There is a flip side to that though, which I have seen interestingly wielded in this conflict on the other side. The Ukraine side will often be, “oh, we're running out of ammo. Things are going horribly. Send us more money.” And I see that equally as a ploy, a propaganda tactic, essentially that there's always the sense of urgency. You have to keep pumping money and ammunition and troops and whatever else into the conflict or else it could collapse at any time, guys. And I think that's kind of a threat in a sense.
Interviewer: Yeah. But when you say into the conflict, that kind of implies that the money is actually getting to supplies for the troops, guns and weapons and bullets. But how much of this money, how much of these billions is going to the conflict and how much is just going to crusty old oligarchs whose wives go on shopping trips in Paris?
Corbett: Well, again, I think the Ukrainian oligarchy and the corruption that has manifest in that should be apparent to people who have followed real information for the last several years and know about the twists and turns at the very least in the Hunter Biden scandal and Burisma and all of that. Let alone what we've seen in the past couple of years with Ukrainian officials and corrupt oligarchs driving around in their Mercedes that they've newly purchased with the funds that they're sloshing around and skimming from the billions upon billions. And oops, the Pentagon made an accounting error in your favor for six billion dollars or whatever that was. And well, OK, well, we've already allocated the funds. So there you go. Congratulations. But also on the other side, that was one of the things that Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner Group, rest in pieces, I guess, recently was talking about in increasingly vehement diatribes before he committed the coup, question mark, or whatever that was on Moscow. He was screaming that “they're leaving us out to dry, essentially. And we need ammo. We need the supplies. And they keep promising it. And nothing ever comes. And we're we're my men are dying. And I'm going to take this right to right to Moscow.” And he did apparently try to do that. And now he's, well, no, no longer on this mortal coil. So that that should, again, tell you something. It's the same thing on both sides. It is absolutely a boondoggle and it does end up in the pockets of corrupt oligarchs and politicians.
Interviewer: Yeah, that whole Prigozhin thing mystifies me that that Putin would have allowed him to take his army and march on Moscow like Napoleon or Hitler and threaten the and threaten the regime itself. I just don't know what to make of that.
Corbett: Yeah, it is baffling. It's been funny to me because I don't I don't have a dog in this fight. So I don't care what the answer is ultimately. But it's been interesting to me to watch propagandists on both sides trying to puzzle their way through this. So, for example, on the NATO side, you've had the people who were obviously hated Prigozhin and Wagner in this private military contractor that was doing all these illicit things and in Ukraine and Africa and elsewhere, who suddenly, well, actually, maybe he was a freedom fighter because he's marching against Putin and yay or something along those lines. And then you've got the people on the other side, the so-called Russian patriots, who Wagner, Prigozhin, yay, they're doing great things in Ukraine until he marches against Putin. But then don't worry, guys, that was actually some kind of master 5D chess plan that was meant to flush out the bad guys from the Kremlin. And so he was in on it and part of it. But now Prigozhin is dead. So I guess maybe that was was that the Ukrainians who did an assassination or or maybe Prigozhin was a bad guy. Well, anyway, who cares? Yesterday's news. Let's move on. And it's just been funny to watch the kind of reactions that people have had to this news.
Interviewer: Right, right. Back to the idea of people who are looking for some sign of resistance, sort of to the to the globalist panopticon police state. People think maybe some people have the idea, OK, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And they just looking for some leader country somewhere that's against, say, the Davos plan. And so they like if Xi does something or Putin does something opposed to the plan, that's always a good sign. But I apply one simple litmus test and I don't like I don't know if you like my litmus test, but I just ask myself, how did they react to the pandemic? That's a good one for me. And if they were on board, they ain't no friends of the of the public.
Corbett: Well, look at it this way. I mean, we live in the era of biosecurity, so I think that's a pretty good litmus test to start with. But how about the era of homeland security, the one that we were living through for the first couple of decades of this century? And show me the Putin or Xi or anyone else that stepped up and called out the 9-11 inside job scam and said anything about the war, the phony bogus war on terror? No, of course not. Why? Because it was the beautiful golden blank check for every would-be thug in charge of any country to basically call their enemies terrorists and to start waging wars appropriately. So, of course, I mean, Putin gets a big shot in the arm for the whole Chechen conflict and everything. Well, look, we were dealing with terrorists, too. We feel your pain or Chinese get to say it about what's happening in Xinjiang and others. Well, we've got terrorists. We feel your pain. We're on board with the homeland security agenda. Same with biosecurity. Of course. Where did we get this whole lockdown thing? Well, of course, from communist China, because they want total, utter, complete 100 percent control over everything their citizens do or say or think. And so, hey, that sounds pretty good. So, of course, tyrant after tyrant around the world is lusting after that power and will use any excuse to do it. So, again, that shows it doesn't need to be some sort of script that is handed down and given out. And you will play this part and you will play that part. No, it's the logic of oligarchy itself. You want control over your people. Here's a narrative that will give you control over vast swathes of the population. Are you going to go along with that narrative? Of course, most of the oligarchs would and did.

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