Trans-cultism invading our school’s

6 months ago

The pride movement has transitioned into a political agenda with the sole purpose of fundamentally transforming social norms, perverting western Christian/Judaea principles and subverting traditional values. This is no longer a movement that tries to inculcate acceptance or equality but an organized ideological program designed to indoctrinate the next generation of young adults.
The argument we see from the right is not a battle against peoples personal choices or lifestyle’s but merely resistance to having this promoted in our public schools and resistance against government policies that force us to sensationalize, embrace and promote this radical religious left-wing movement. Many conservatives had no issue with the pride movement or gay parades until it became a religion. Until it became a cult-like symbol of political allegiance. We had no issues with it until it transitioned into an ideological wedge of forced acknowledgment, forced validation and forced celebration. Now we are being compelled to embrace the mass-delusion that a man can magically become a woman simply by virtue of subjective personal opinion. People are allowed to feel proud of their own sexuality but stop compelling us through subversion and propaganda campaigns to be proud of it. Stop forcing us to embrace your ideological religion.

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