Trump's $250M Trial Drama Unfolds! Fraud, Real Estate Empire at Stake | Shocking Testimonies Ahead!

7 months ago

🔍 Former President Donald Trump is facing a $250 million civil lawsuit in New York, accused by the state attorney general of a decade-long scheme involving fraud and misrepresentation to inflate his net worth for better loan terms. Trump, his sons, and Trump Organization executives are in the hot seat as the trial unfolds.

🏛️ The judge's partial summary judgment already ruled Trump submitted "fraudulent valuations," leaving the trial to decide further actions and potential penalties. Trump denies any wrongdoing, claiming business skill played a role in alleged inflated valuations.

🔒 The trial adjourns for Veterans Day, but tension rises as defense witnesses, including Donald Trump Jr., prepare to testify. The judge rejects a motion to exclude defense experts, warning against debating established facts.

🤝 Tempers flare as Trump's attorney throws shade at the state attorney, suggesting he belongs in Russia. After a break, apologies are exchanged, but the trial's intensity remains palpable. #TrumpTrial #donaldtrump #trumptowers

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