Secret Database: CDC Is Hiding Children's Vaccine Data - Dr. Brian Hooker

7 months ago

Which is healthier, a fully vaccinated child or an unvaccinated child?
In the world of health care today, this question is taboo. It might not be so hard to answer, however.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has a private database called the Vaccine Safety Data Link, which holds the records of 10 million Americans. Very few scientists have access to it. But Brian Hooker was allowed into it for a short period.

“By my estimation, there's at least 10,000 completely unvaccinated adults and children in that database,” said Hooker.
Dr. Hooker is the Chief Scientific Officer at Children’s Health Defense (CHD).
In 2020, he published a paper that looked at health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children. The results were startling.

Children who received a vaccine before the age of one were more likely to experience developmental delays, asthma, and ear infections.

And Hooker says his study is not the only one. He has reviewed over 100 similar studies that were published across a diverse body of journals. The data arrives at the same conclusion: unvaccinated children are healthier than the vaccinated.

But the problem with many of these studies is that the pool of unvaccinated patients is relatively small. For example, Hooker’s paper was based on data from three medical practices in the United States with a modest sample of 633 unvaccinated children.

To do more nuanced and definitive research requires a bigger sample size. That’s where the CDC’s private database becomes important, because again, it holds the records of at least 10,000 unvaccinated individuals, according to Hooker’s estimates.

“That information is right there. But I think that the CDC is very, very afraid of what would happen if they do such a study,” he said.

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