I-Fell - Then Died-Boost

1 year ago

You listen up
heres a mandate
about a little needle that goes in ya' cloot chute
and all day and all night
and everyone I see must boost, to be
permitted outside
Boost your heart with this one final booster
and then boost your kids
and everyone must boost for me
and themselves, and everybod around
'cos we dont want, to catch, the sniffles

I Boost I believe in the science
I believe in the science, I believe in the science
I believe in the science, I believe in the science
I believe in the science, I believe in the sciiience

I have a boost cloot in my ventrical
Boost all the PPE that I have to we-ar
boost all the animals inside the zoo
I took my booster, and then I took two
Boost all the needles that have been thrown out
I follow orders, I can't go outsi-ide
Boost all my arteries untill I'm free
Boost all the graphene that lives inside me

I Boost i believe in the science
I believe in the science, I believe in the science
I believe in the science, I believe in the science
I believe in the science, I believe in the sciiience

My social credit score is through the roof
Boost is the reason that I am not sce-ard
Im fully boosted now against the coof
I have a girlfriend and she also boosts
Boost all the children here that walk around
I boosted my Dad, he suddenly di-ied
Boost all the words I say and what I think
boost my aorta, it feels out of sync

I Boost i believe in the science
I believe in the science, I believe in the science
I believe in the science, I believe in the science
I believe in the science, I believe in the sciiience

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