We did a TEST comparison between NPAQ and QNMU

1 year ago

Who picks up the phone faster to help a nurse union member?

Lately, we’ve been hearing that QNMU reps have been putting their effort into a Dirty Tricks campaign - targeted against us. Things like telling nurses our insurance doesn’t work (it does) or we can’t represent members (we can, and do every day).

Now, we would never do things like that, dirty tricks are for dirty tricksters. But we are happy to show nurses some simple comparisons between their union options.

Something that’s important to every member is how quickly will your union pick up the phone when you call them with a question or issue.

Nursing is a busy job, when you want an answer you can’t wait, it usually matters right now.

The QNMU is almost twice as expensive as us (they are $761 per year, we are $464.10), so will they pick up the phone twice as fast?.. Let’s find out!

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