REVEALED: Hidden History Of The Khazar Kingdom l Israel is a Fraud l Brian Wilson l Infowars

10 months ago

Brian Wilson breaks down the history of Khazaria and the controversial hypothesis that explains the origin of Jewish people in central and eastern Europe.

My two cents- As somebody who has researched and studied this for years I feel I have a pretty good handle on this subject. The "Jews" in Israel are not of Judeah origin. They are eastern european and come from the Khazarian Empire. They were a fairly nomadic people that got the boot from everywhere they went because of their worship of phallic symbols and non belief in any religion. Finally the King said they had to adopt a religion so they would be accepted by surrounding nations. The choices they narrowed it down to were Christianity or Judaidm. They voted and chose the latter in name only they do not actually believe as they are not Semites. This is a very condensed version, I would read Benjamin Friedmans book for a full breakdown,


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